

Spectromatch technologies enable you to take digital skin colour measurements and automatically create bespoke pigment recipes to your specifications.

Benefits of Spectromatch technologies are:

  • Reduced Metamerism: The combination of our colourants and formulation algorithms produce not just colour but spectral matches that effectively eliminate metamerism. This results in prostheses that will match patients' natural skin colour in all lighting conditions to all observers.
  • Skin Colour and Appearance: Spectromatch systems produce recipes with a range of flocks, allowing control of the skin colour and appearance.
  • Speedy and Easy Weighing: Recipes are based on our QuickWeigh colourants for easy and accurate weighing.
  • More Natural Looking Prostheses: As a result of research in conjunction with practising clinicians, QuickWeigh recipes produce translucency levels that deliver the most ‘life-like’ or ‘real’ looking prostheses.
  • Enhanced Patient Service: The Spectromatch systems enable quick digital skin measurements to be captured. Recipes can be weighed in clinic or back in the lab. This allows for more streamlined patient processing.
  • Cost Benefits: Precise levels of material usage and quick weighing produce savings in consumable costs and clinician/patient time.
Item 1

Spectromatch Pro

Spectromatch Pro is the most advanced and comprehensive accurate skin colour matching system currently available.

Spectromatch Pro ensures that accurate, reliable, consistent results are always maintained.

More about Spectromatch Pro


e-Skin is an easy to use system designed for users with lower budget requirements. This standalone system utilizes a spectrocolorimeter to obtain skin colour readings.

More about e-Skin

Item 2